Well...my baby is still crabby! We are still trying to figure out what it is...maybe teeth, maybe separation anxiety...who knows. Everyone has an oppinion, and my oppinion changes every other minute. I definitely think her last two teeth are bugging her. She is drooling and has clear snot, but I think there is some separation issues too. Unless I missing some major illness, and she's just trying to let me know. We will hope that's not the case because we haven't gone to the doctor yet, and I'm not sure we need to go now. Anyway...the good news is she is sleeping well, so hopefully she is getting better while she sleeps. Today she had two naps almost an hour each, and she went to bed at 6:15...so far so good on that one. (I wasn't sure if she would stay asleep or get back up thinking it was a nap, but she's still in there).
The picture is the picture I put on her birth announcement. She was sleeping in her swing...in the upstairs hall for some reason. I'm not sure why she was out there either!?! Anyway...I loved the little smile on her facing, like she was dreaming a happy dream. Very peaceful...and since Abbie is very peaceful in bed right now, I thought it would be an appropriate post. I should be taking pictures of Abbie to post right now, but I have been lazy. Hopefully I will overcome that!
We had swim lessons today. It went well. After that Abbie had her 2nd nap and then we had a double play date. Shawn came over with Harry & Sadie and Jen came over with Sara. I would say there wasn't a happy kid out of the four, but they did okay. Everyone is kinda moody and not feeling there best lately, but it was nice just to sit and catch up with friends.
Tomorrow I am watching Ellie in the morning and I have my nanny job in the afternoon. Busy day...but hopefully I will get to quilt again tomorrow while Abbie & Ellie take their naps. My mom was so kind to take my sewing machine over to JoAnns to get it looked at. They fixed it...I didn't really follow my mom at what she said was wrong with it...but there were several things. I can't wait to get it back so I can finish the purple quilt and start my 2nd one...a pink one in the same pattern.
Okay...my friend Jennifer started doing these puzzles, and she got me interested because I love puzzles. So I did a google search and found this site:
http://www.websudoku.com/ I started playing them and it was fun...but I love numbers, math, and puzzles. I'm sure there are hundreds of these sites, but if you like puzzles check it out!