I'm Quilting! (Kind Of?!?)

Okay...well I haven't started to sew yet, but Kristi and I went to Joanns...bought all the materials we needed (except one...gotta go back tomorrow) and picked out our fabrics. We are doing a "rail fence" quilt. The one pictured is multi-colored...ours is mono-chromatic. Mine is a mixture of four purple patterns, and Kristi's is blue. After Joanns we got dinner...headed back to my place...ate...and started cutting out all of our pieces. We cut them all out and are ready to sew but ran into two problems. One...my sewing machine was not threaded (even though it was last time I used it last week) and I couldn't figure out how to thread it. Two...we had no pins, and since we have a 1/4 inch seam allowance, I need all the help I can get. I'm sure I will be going back to Joanns to get more fabric because of mistakes. Anyway...I have since then fixed the thread issue, I just have to get Kristi to pick up pins at Wal-mart on her way over tomorrow and we are on our way to completing our first quilt!
Today was swimming. Abbie did great! She went underwater like a pro, I'm so proud of her. She is scared of our teacher though...so she didn't do so hot when she had to interact with her, so I kept that to a minimum. She did take a 3 hour nap after swimming (that I had to wake her up from!), so I should take her swimming every day!
Scott's at the Pacer's game again...blah! A company that wants to do business with him took him out to dinner and to their suite at the Conseco Field House. Nice for Scott, but sad for me. He was home late Monday & Tuesday too...maybe we will see him tomorrow.
Okay...I'm going to try to relax. I'm all pumped up ready to quilt. I almost started sewing without the pins, but decided it wasn't worth it to screw it all up. We will see!
So who is teaching you this quilting business? I made a tiny quilt for my baby dolls when I was younger... it seemed so tetius (sp?) at the time.. every square having to be exactly square ect... the last sewing I did was on sails with a big OLD industrial machine... fixing sails is fun though.. I miss my sewing machine... it is currently broken and at my Moms house.
i just bought a book at barnes & nobles about quilting basics...and we are making a wall hanging pattern they had in it that was 30x38 inches. kinda a perfect size for a baby blanket. we keep breaking my sewing machine though, and we can't get kristi's machine to work because we don't know how to put the bobbin back in. oh well...it's frusterating but i'm definitely interested in trying more. i new hobby!
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