Tuesday, February 07, 2006

No picture...watching House

Well today was a doosey (sp?)! I had Abbie, her two cousins (15 mon. & 3 years), and 16 month old for MANY hours this morning, and nobody took a nap! Needless to say, I was very tired after they all left, and Abbie finally went to sleep. Luckily, I knew I would be very tired and booked my mom to watch Abbie while I went to my OTHER nanny job this afternoon. Unfortunately when I went to leave, Abbie woke up and screamed for me…and I had to leave her screaming for the first time ever. It was hard to walk away, but I knew she would be okay eventually…and she calmed down before I got to Springmill.

My mom, Abbie, and I had dinner with Kristi & her mom tonight at Paradise Bakery (yum)! It was nice to meet up with them, but I also look forward to hanging with Kristi alone and getting to talk freely without our parents.

Tomorrow we have swimming and then NOTHING in the afternoon which is wonderful! I look forward to either sitting here hanging out, or going shopping if I feel up to it.

Okay…short blog, I need to focus on watching House.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love House! Tell Kristi I said hi.

2/08/2006 9:41 AM  

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