Happy Valentine's Day!

Well...we won't be having an exciting Valentine's day today. Scott has class tonight, so I won't see him until 9:00...and Abbie won't see him at all. When we were dating that would have really pissed me off...but we have had 9 Valentine's Days together...so the thrill has kind of worn off. 9 years..wow! That's a long time. I didn't realize that until just now. I am hoping to get to Keystone at the Crossing to get Scott a piece of Key Lime Pie cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory...but it depends on my babysitting job this afternoon.
Yesterday we hung out with Kristi for the first time since she's been home. It was nice to catch up. We went to Barnes & Nobles to look for some quilt ideas...hopefully we will get to Joanns later this week to get some fabric and get going. I don't think we are going to really have a plan, just start at it and see what comes out from the process. I'm really excited to try, and hopefully we can make it to the store soon.
We also had a visit from Erin & her kids. If I had been smart, I would have taken pictures...but I'm not. It was nice to catch up and let our kids play together.
Oh...the picture is obviously from our wedding. It was taken at the Carmel Gazebo after our ceremony, before the reception. Denise took it while the photographer was posing us.
Well...Abbie's in bed, and I'm going to enjoy "my" time. I'm not sure if I'm going to scrapbook, or relax and read a magazine, but I'm done blogging!
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