We went to Sadie's birthday party at Build-A-Bear today. I was really excited to take Abbie because she just lOVES stuffed animals. Well...she loves her bunny we made her, but I'm not so sure she loved the experience. Build-A-Bear was packed...it was a Saturday...but we didn't have to wait on any lines. Abbie made a bunny named Mocha, and Mocha is very him. She has on a khaki mini-skirt, spaghetti strapped shirt with lace, and a pink shrug. I know...Mandy will say why didn't you post the Bunny...but I didn't bring my camera and I posted the picture I wanted to post yesterday.
The picture is of Abbie and the little girl I sit for. Abbie's giving her a hug if you can't tell. She loves her! It is very cute to see them play together.
Scott's at the track again tonight...still has his big race this weekend. (WWW.PLANETRCRACEWAY.COM) He's there tomorrow too...so we have a day to kill.
I am scrapbooking right now...well I'm taking a break to blog about apparently nothing. I almost finished a little christmas book I'm making for Abbie, I finished another 12x12 2 page layout about Halloween, and I starting her birthday party layouts. I've been super productive the past few days.
I have also been super good on Weight Watchers this week. Hopefuly I will have a good weigh-in on Monday because I tried to work really hard. More on that later.
Okay...back to scrapbooking. Blog at you later!
you forgot to mention nickname Alex on the email you sent me... :)
yeah...i saw diane on yours!! nobody calls me alex anymore, i forgot. in fact, i think people only say stephanie now. even worse, soon abbie's friends will be calling my mrs. burns!
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