Thursday, February 02, 2006

Morning Blogger...

I'm going to have to be a morning blogger. I have been an end of the day blogger, it's just not working. I want to hang with Scott, not be on the computer. Once I get my computer out I never put it back down until I go to bed...then there's no romance or "quality" time. We actually had a wonderful evening, I just grabbed my computer to check something real fast, and realized I should throw a post up.

I do not know the people in this picture. I remember the first time I saw this picture was like 4 - 5 years ago. When my nephew John used to get a hold of markers and draw on himself. This was so funny that first time, I laughed so loud. My sister just emailed me some pictures again and this was in the bunch. I could see Mandy doing this to Tito or Molly...and hopefully Abigail doesn't attack #2, but I could see that happening too.

To bed for me...hopefully a morning post, but we will see. I am sitting for my friend again tomorrow from 9 - 2. I watched her daughter today from 9 - 2 also...keeping us busy yes, but fun to make some extra cash to take care of the little things.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

good morning, am blogger... im looking for my morning report and i see none for today... :P

2/03/2006 11:56 AM  
Blogger Steph said...

well...i had to get up early today (at 8!) to shower and be ready for our little friend. i am working on my pictures now so i can start blogging...sorry to disappoint you!

2/03/2006 4:54 PM  

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