Sunday, February 26, 2006

Look at those Curls!

I love it when Abbie gets out of the bath or the shower, because her curls always look their best. Right now it is hat weather because it's so cold...and her hair gets all static-charged and sticks out everywhere. It's sad when you debate putting a hat on your child because you know it will make her hair look bad...and she's having a good hair day. Now, I've never actually skipped the hat because of good hair, but I am always tempted.

Scott and I both had wavy/curly hair when we were little. If I could post the pictures I would, but we don't have any digital copies. Eventually I want to take the pictures to Cord Camera and have them scan them in to make copies for me to scrapbook.

Curly hair is hard though, because it curls how it wants to curl...and can stick out all funny. The front of Abbie's hair isn't curly at all too...which makes it weird. Anyway..I'm sure her hair will change hundreds of times as she grows up just like mine.


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