I Used My Camera!!!

Okay...so my big problem with blogging is posting a picture. I don't have any new pictures to post, and I can't come up with any old pictures that are interesting...so I don't blog. So...I got myself to get the camera out yesterday and snap some new ones of Abbie. I have many I like...so hopefully I will post more then next few days. The bad news is that Abbie has been sick for the past 2 1/2 weeks...so there is a little trickle of snot constantly running from her nose no matter if I just wiped it or not...so bare with the snot in the pictures!
Well, like I said Abbie's been sick for 2 1/2 weeks...not go to the doctor sick...just have snot and can't get rid of it sick. I've been the same way, so we are probably just passing it back and forth. Anyway, she has been incredibly clingly and cranky...and this is the face I see most of the day right now. Hence.."Crabby Abbie." Last night she was up twice, and I had to rock her for about 30 minutes each time. This is normal for most people with young kids, but I am used to Abbie sleeping through the night with no visits from me for 13-14 hours each night. Needless to say, I am sluggish today...and should probably sleep as soon as I get her to.
Right now she is fighting a nap in her crib...while Scott is snoring away next to me. I really want to go finish binding my quilt now that I have my machine back and it is working...but I thought I would hang out with Scott...hmm! Oh well, now I am going to research what my next quilt will be after the pink "rail fence" quilt, same pattern that I am making now. Kristi is on to her 2nd quilt, which is going to be like a patchwork quilt. I would like to find a cool quilt to make for Scott's grandma either for Christmas or maybe for mother's day...like a lap quilt. She is very religous and I found one that was cool and made up of all different crosses, so I might do something like that.
Kristi came over yesterday and we started an ABC scrapbook that we were both making as baby presents. Well...I'm making one to sell as a baby present, and she's making one for a friend. We didn't get very far...but now that I have sorted the papers and started the 1st page, it won't be long before I bust through it. I really should make 3 at the same time...but I only have paper for one right now. I sold my first book this month for $35...just for the pages, which isn't bad, and I have 3 more ordered. I'm excited to make money scrapbooking again.
Well...I'm satisified with my blog. I need to go back to researching quilt patterns or at least read a magazine and relax for awhile. I got a trial copy of "Better Homes & Gardens" and I have to decided whether or not I want a subscription. I having a magazine addiction. Blog at you later!
you sell your scrapbook pages on ebay or what? how do you sell stuff like that? sounds cool, i wanna try.
i made a book i saw on www.twopeasinabucket.com. it's a site people post their scrapbook pages on. well...i made a book for kristi and my friend jen saw it and asked me to make 3 for her to give away as baby presents... shawn was here when jen picked hers up and asked me to make one for her, so i have 3 to make now. i can email you the one i made...it cost me maybe $15 so i made like $20...but it's fun and it didn't take me too long and i enjoy it. here's the link to the book i copied: http://twopeasinabucket.com/pg.asp?cmd=display&layout_id=267594
i did sell three double 12x12 layouts on ebay though for $15 each. i posted four more and they didn't sell...bummer! i should try to post some more.
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