First Haircut...or Trim!

Abbie had her first "haircut" today...I only had them trim her bangs, because I like her hair and don't want them to screw it up. As is...I didn't like how her bangs turned out. This was a before picture. I had to hold her head while she cried during the hair cut so I didn't get any during the haircut...but my mom did, so we will have to see if any of them turned out.
We went to Clubhouse Cuts...they have a train table and big slide there. Abbie sat in a pink jeep while she had her hair cut...she would have watched a DVD but the lady was standing in the way and I was holding her head. was just a big cleaning day for us since we still had a mess from the painting. Tomorrow we will be very busy with our two nanny jobs (9 - 2 & 3 - 5:30), but I hope to make it over to JoAnn Fabrics to start looking for material for curtains & other fun things. Kristi and I just decided last night that while she is home we will try to make quilts, so I want to see what books/magazines they have on quilts and start looking at fabric for that. I'm excited...I have wanted to make a quilt FOREVER...and that could be a fun thing to give as baby presents if I get good at it.
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