Ben & Jerry's - Mint Chocolate Cookie

So...Weight Watchers was kinda out of the questions last night and tonight. I ate healthy food for breakfast, lunch and dinner...but I ate Ben & Jerry's for dessert both nights, Mint Chocolate Cookie. We were going to have Cold Stone Creamery, and I drove all the way there, but they were closed, so I went to Marsh and got Ben & Jerry's for Scott and I. Tonight's dinner was Meatloaf, recipe #3. I am on the prowl for a good recipe, that isn't to funky for picky Scott.
Still no pictures of Abbie in her clothes, but she looked awfully cute today! Maybe tomorrow I will remember.
"24" started tonight. I love that show. I hate having shows I feel addicted to watch each week, but if I have to be addicted to any show, I'm okay with being addicted to this show. Commercial is over, back to the show!
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