Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Too Tired to Blog...

I know I haven't posted for almost a week...but I am too tired. Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and today I have been working in the basement a ton. We had my mom babysit on Saturday afternoon while we worked down there...all the other days I have been down there both during naps and after Abbie goes to bed. Yesterday I was down there for almost 6 hours! The carpet and laminate floors are going to be installed on Tuesday, which gives us five more days to finishing everything...and there is a lot left to be done. I have been painting like crazy, and am sick of paint. It's nothing like painting a room...there's 1,000 square feet to be primed, edged, rolled, and corrections...and it is such a slow job! Plus the trim has to be painted, and the french doors had to be primed and painted. Aah! That's a lot to do. I picked the color out Monday, it's a little different then I thought it would be, but it will do. I almost have the workout room completely painted, just need to roll a second coat. Then on to edge the rest of the basement. At least all of the primer is up...just got the color left to do. Anyway...hopefully by this time next week we will be down there working out while Abbie is playing...wish us luck!

Oh..and the pictures are from Abbie's 18 month portraits. I emailed them out...but don't know if I screwed it up because nobody responded back...not that I need a response...just thought maybe I did something wrong. Still have to send out Easter pictures, it's taking awhile and I will probably never get them out. Who knows!


Blogger Felbie & Rama said...

i got the pics... my favorite one is the first one you posted on your blog. :)

4/27/2006 9:42 AM  

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