Saturday, April 15, 2006

Easter Egg Hunt #1

Well, we went to Abbie's first Easter Egg Hunt today in Carmel. It was a lot of fun...although I admit I was nervous she wouldn't know what to do, and tried to have her practice before we left by putting balls on the floor of the family room...but Abbie was very "on task" during the hunt! I'm proud to say we got there early, because I'm usually late everywhere we go. We passed Grandma & Grandpa on Hazel Dell going for a walk, and honked and waved at them!!

Abbie was in the 2-3 year old age group...yes I fudged her age a little bit, but who could wait until 2 to do their first Easter Egg Hunt. We had to wait awhile for the hunt to begin, so Scott took Abbie over to meet the Easter Bunny (again), and they had a DJ blaring really good dance songs, so we did a lot of dancing. Abbie was dying to go get the we were very excited when the finally let us go hunt! Abbie ran and grabbed lots of eggs. It last a whole minute or two, but it was totally cute, and she has been busy playing with her eggs all day. I have been cropping my pictures and trying to pick out my favorites, and am fianlly down to have quite a ways to go. I think I started in the 60's. Digital cameras are great but you end up taking so many more pictures, it's hard to choose the best. (Hence me posting 3 pictures today, instead of one.) I knew tomorrow I would take a ton more pictures I would want to post, so today there are three!

Scott and I played golf today....18 holes cart path only, which means your golf cart has to stay on the cart path. Well...when it's cart path only my ball is always as far from the cart path as can be, so I walked a lot today. We had a lot of fun and I'm excited that golf season has started. It's great alone time and time away from Abbie...and although we usually get paired with two other people we don't know, today we got to play just the two of us so it was really REALLY nice. Since I'm so girly now that I have Abbie...I even have a pink golf glove and colored balls! Well...I'm ditching the colored balls because they are hard to find...but I like my glove a lot! I guess it is kinda fun to be girly.

After Scott left for the track we went to Clay Terrace to meet up with his parents, Grandma & Grandpa. They were luckily at Lowes, and hadn't had dinner, so we went to Paradise Bakery and sat outside. It was so nice out. After we had something to eat we walked around Clay Terrace a little. Grandma taught Abbie to smell the flowers (she blows on them) and that was cute. She ran from flower pot to flower pot.

Well..I'm tired and sick of waiting for Scott to come home from the track, so I'm off the bed. Goodnight everyone and Happy Easter!


Blogger Felbie & Rama said...

hey so you think just because you posted three supercute pics you can take three days off of blogging???

4/18/2006 6:44 PM  
Blogger Steph said...

i'm waiting for someone to leave me a damn comment....what am i blogging here for. you didn't even comment back on the goats comment...i'm blogging at noone!

4/18/2006 9:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh... you would be surprised how many ppl look at your blog with out commenting... i sometimes bug ppl about mine and find out they have been reading all along!

4/19/2006 3:01 PM  

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