Here's Abbie!

We took Sassy to the vet this morning to get her stitch out...she had a wart removed 10 days ago when she had her teeth cleaned. We got done with the vet early enough to go visit Katie before swimming. It was a short visit...maybe 30 minutes...but nice to go say hello. Abbie didn't want to leave to go to swimming. She loves sitting at Katie's table and chairs.
After Abbie's nap Kristi and I are going to go for a walk on the Monon Trail. Hopefully I can keep up! : ) !! It's good that it's nice out so I can walk more...and my neighbor group is going to start walking again soon.
Scott's parents came over to help me figure out how much fabric I need for window treatments in my family room, dining room, and scrapbook room. I'm so excited to finally be adding window treatments in the dining room and family room. I'm really sad though that I have reached the point in my life that I get excited about window treatments....I'm almost grown up now!! I really like the fabric I picked out for the dining room...and now I have to pick out fabric for the seat cushions in the dining room, and curtains in the other two rooms. I already have the pattern picked out (but don't ask me what it is).

Look...two pictures today! Abbie was trying to get the Easter Eggs to stay in the bucket and they kept rolling back out because of the angle the bucket was at. She was so frusterated...but it was so cute.
Okay...I need to go be productive while Abbie sleeps. Blog at ya later.
hey steph! remember my friend marcy? she has been reading my journal too and has recently decided to start one of her own! there is a link on my site to hers under "Marz" ... :)
yeah...i saw her first post on your blog and looked at hers. I didn't know she was married...but then again I haven't seen or talked to her in years so that makes sense. It is fun to see what other people are doing though!
thanks for teh posts...keep them coming...seriously! Mandy digs the pictures of abbie and when I finally figure out the whole "uploading" thing I will get you some photos of my kiddies too! Kisses to you all!
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