April Fools It Is!

Scott's parents visited Abs this weekend. Here's a cute pic of the three of them. She loved showing off for them, and even gave both of them lots of kisses.
The basement is coming along great now. All the drywall and ceiling is done. Scott started putting up the trim this weekend and I would say he is 1/3 of the way done. We had someone set to come paint the basement, but Scott thinks that's going to be a bust, so I am all ready and prepared to paint next weekend or the weekend after. I haven't decided if the workout room is going to be a different color than the rest of the basement yet. I want the main part to be a khaki color...it will show upstairs from the staircase. I want the decor down there to be a lot of black with maybe some cranberry colored accents. I had this great idea in my head for design, then realized all of Abbie's huge MULTICOLORED toys will be down there; the house, tent, climber, police car, fire truck, etc. So...I guess it's not going to be as pretty as I was imagining. So...any picks on the color of the exercise room...either the same as the rest, or a different color idea, let me know. Maybe rainbow! : ) !!
Okay, Ellie is getting dropped off in 20 minutes and I am laying in bed. Not handling Day Light Savings really well here yet. I couldn't get settled last night to go to bed, and definitely not done sleeping yet this morning. It looks like tonight I will be taking a Tylenol PM to get myself settled early. Abbie went to bed at 8:45 last night...yikes! Rumor has it I should wake her up to get her back to schedule but...I like her in bed! At least until Ellie comes. Allright...to the shower!
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