Okay...so the potty pictures came before the Easter day pictures, I couldn't help that. So here is the first set of Easter day pictures...I am really enjoying posting three pictures at a time, all though I have to admit I am going to run out of pictures much faster this way and then go back to blogger's block from a lack of material! : ) !! I'll work on keeping it going though! Maybe with the nice weather I will get on a camera kick and keep taking tons of pictures.
We had an "Easter Egg Hunt" for Nick and

Abbie on Easter monring. I really wouldn't say it was a hunt, because I just threw the eggs on the driveway in plain sight. Usually I hide eggs for Michael, John, Bry and my brothers in the backyard...and it's a lot of fun. But this year Michael and John didn't come to Easter, and the grass was wet, so I just scattered the eggs all over the driveway and that was perfect for Nick and Abbie. They loved putting the eggs in their buckets and dumping them out. They also had fun running around and kicking the eggs. It's so nice that they are so close in age!
More pictures to come from Easter...we got some family portraits and pictures of their Easter present from the Easter bunny...so stay tuned! Tomorrow we are going to the Children's

Museum for another class and I have to sign Abbie up to go get 18 month portraits (as soon as I can pick out her outfits for the portraits...one for sure is her Easter dress...not sure of the other) so there will be more good pictures to come hopefully.
Today turned out to be a very nice day. We exchanged some stuff at Target with my mom, and then after Abbie's nap we sat out on the driveway with Kristi & Kalen to get some sun. I'm hoping tomorrow after the Children's Museum that Kristi & Kalen will come over again and sit out with me while Abbie takes her nap. We are going to miss having them around! Abbie loves Kalen...even when she's "sleepy" as Abbie says when Kalen is napping. Okay..I'm suppose to be watching a movie with Scott and I lost focus. We are watching The Greatest Game Ever Played...it's good so far. Back to the movie....
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