Hello Easter Bunny!

Okay...I know I emailed these out to family...but I gotta post it on here today since this is what we did today. We met Jacob & Amy at Castleton to go see the Easter Bunny and have lunch. We didn't point him out...but while getting out of her stroller near the Easter Bunny's area Abbie totally locked onto the Easter Bunny and was intrigued, yet insecure. Went we went to see him, I convinced her to touch his leg (or hers?!?), give him five, and say hello, but she would not sit with him. He even offered her his chair, and sat on the floor in front of her, but she would have nothing to do with that and began screaming. She digged sitting next to him on my lap, and smiled while looking at him and touching his hand, but not at the camera. The pictures not bad though...so that was that. Jacob went right up to him like it was nothing until he moved, and then he freaked out. It was cute!
After the Easter Bunny I went to the Gap and bought my first pair of capris...yes I caved. I hate "fads" and I have ridiculed capris for years, but I decided I need to get a pair. Ugh...
After that I made us all go to the pet store to hold a puppy...and it was cute. I don't understand how dogs formally known as muts are now at pet stores as new breeds...aka Yorkipoo, Cockapoo, Labradoodle. Isn't that when you own a Poodle and your damn neighbors Labrador mated with your dog and now you have puppies...how did that become a breed? Today I saw a Puggle...I shit you not. It was a Pug & Beagle mix...Ironically it was right next to a pug and a beagle. Somehow I'm not sure how they get $800 for a Puggle...when there is no such thing. Anyway...
Scott came home early from work to do some work from the house...and I got home way early from babysitting (only sat for an hour!). We had a nice dinner and then went to Clay Terrace to walk around and get some gelato. (Amazingly this is day #8 on Weight Watchers and I am still on it and doing good...no complaints yet, I have to lose the weight). We had a nice walk and enjoyed the nice weather together. (It was mid 80's today.)
Tomorrow we don't have any plans yet, but Nicole invited us to the Children's Museum with her so we might go. Just depends on our mood when we get up. It's nice to have a day of nothing, but it's also nice to spend time with friends you don't see a lot.
Scott and I have tee times for Saturday...like a date! Two weekends in a row! We dropped Abbie off at my moms last Saturday and went out to dinner. I got new golf shoes so I will be trying them out on Saturday..and maybe even my capris! (Although Scott hates capris too.)
Okay...off to relax...I wrote a ton!
no way... i broke down yesterday and bought two pairs of capris at Kohls... Dockers... hahahah... I am not sure if I love them... but i felt like i needed them... for when i didn't feel like wearing shorts and want to wear sandles... they are also lighter weight than jeans... yeah i made up many excuses to myself why i should buy them... i hate when my jeans drag on the ground when i wear sandles... (dunno when that started...i remember when i would walk on my jeans until they had holes thru the seams and the bottoms wore off)... hahah... sigh
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