Okay...So I have been really lazy about posting. I even got on Mandy's case about posting on her blog, and she's posting like crazy ( but I haven't posted in

We painted about half the ceiling in the basement this weekend. Kristi came over to play Friday and Sunday. We went walking at Clay Terrace this afternoon. Abbie has swimming tomorrow, and then we might get another visit from Kalen & Kristi. Boy does Abbie love Kalen! Other than that, we have finally adjusted to the time change, but it took a week. I restarted Weight Watchers (this is day 4) because i have gained 10-15 lbs. since I got off it 2 months ago. I'm back to what I weighed in October :( ... so I need to move forward and get it back off. (Although I honestly feel I am just destined to be fat). Hopefully with the nice weather and the basement being finished Scott and I both will be more active and get in better shape. (Plus it's time for golf, I even got new golf shoes this weekend...and a pink glove and golf balls...I'm girly now!)
Okay..Scott just got home from the track 15 minutes ago...and he's been out since 9:00, so I need to go snuggle and then go to sleep. Sorry it's taken so long to post..I'll work on it.\
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