Back to Normal...

Well...I feel like things are getting back to normal after our trip. Although Abbie did have an awful night last night, getting home on a Tuesday made the whole week kinda funny. Last night we couldn't get Abbie to bed until 10:15...and then she woke up at 2:00 and I couldn't get her back settled until 5:30. Blah...
Today we had swimming. We started our 2nd session today. It was kind of sad because Abbie's good friend Katie isn't in our class anymore, but it will be nice to make some new friends. Ellie is still in our class...and two 8 month old babies we were friends with our still in our class too! We stopped by Katie's house on our way to swimming to say hi which was nice, we will have to do that more often because they were so happy to see each other.
Today is cleaning day, so I need to get off the computer and get going. I still feel really unorganinzed from the trip, so I need to get my act together. I'm getting behind on scrapbooking...which is actually good because it's fun to catch up. Today it is 65 again, so I hope to get to play outside with Abbie when she wakes up from her nap.
The picture is from Florida (again) and is this year's four generations photo with Abbie, my mom, my nana and me! Unfortunately they made me take the picture right after I got out of the pool, so my hair is not looking so hot. Oh well! to clean!
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