Thursday, March 02, 2006

Sick & Swimming

Ugh...I am still sick. I don't know if I posted that before, but Abbie and I have been sick for like 3 weeks, and we just can't seem to ditch it. Abs went ot the doctor on Monday and I went on Wednesday...and we are both on drugs. She is behaving so much better. No crying...she loves Scott and my mom again...and she doesn't cry for me to hold her all the time. My sweet well behaved baby is back...but she still has a ton of snot dripping out her nose, GROSS!

I am soo congested. My ears feel cloudy and are ringing. My head feels like someone is sitting on it. My nose is so stuffed up and my throat hurts...and I've been taking prescription meds for over 24 hrs. When do they kick in!!

Okay...I am tired and don't feel like blogging...the picture is Abbie swimming (obviously) yesterday. She is doing so good! Hopefully we get to go swimming in Florida so her daddy can see how good she is doing.


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