Wow! I have been trying since Saturday and finally got a picture to upload. I'm not sure what the problem is...but here are Abbie and Nick on Abbie's new horse. She has named him, but we can't understand what she is saying...sounds like "Fugee." We will let you know if we ever understand for sure what she is saying.

Aunt Chari got Abbie a new scarf...and she was totally stylin' in it. It even matched Abbie's outfit perfectly. Hopefully this is a sign of good things to come and I will be able to blog more and post more pictures...wish me luck!

Ohhh... I had a bouncy horse like that when I was little... Tito and I rode it until it died or something... I think we broke a leg off somehow... bouncing too hard and hitting the floor or something... hahah... Abbie's hair is getting so long! So what was she for halloween? Did she go trick or treating? I had 15 kids. The neighboorhoods with houses have much more. (Felix drove thru the neighboorhhood next to us and said there were a ton of kids there).
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