Caribbean Cove
Well...we are back home and getting back in the swing of things. I still need to post more vacation pictures and more about the trip. We hit a snag in the trip and I quit posting. The day after my last post Abbie hurt her arm at the Animal Kingdom. At first we didn't really think anything of it...she falls down often and cries just to cry sometimes. But we started to realize there was more to it when we saw her holding her arm. We ended up going to first aid, and they called for a car to pick us up and take us to an Immediate Care. Turns out she had Nursemaid's Elbow, where the radius bone in the arm comes out of joint. Fun...Luckily, they ex-rayed the arm to make sure everything was okay, and then the doctor snapped her bone back in place. Yikes...all in all we were at the doctor or in transit for 6 1/2 hours...really killed a whole day of our trip, but we were so glad it was that easy to fix her arm.
Scott just went back to work yesterday. It was nice to have him home after we got back. We layed around the house on Sunday..and I finally got started cleaning up after the trip Monday and Tuesday. I haven't gotten very far, but I am trying. Abbie's been very tired and clingy.
We went to my nephew John's Birthday party at Caribbean Cove on Monday night. I was really excited to go, I have never been there before and always thought it was a neat idea. It's an indoor water park, but the only way to go is to book a room for the night or throw a birthday party. When you book a room, only 5 people can have access to the water park, so it's not like you can get a big group to share a room. The cheapest room is $169, and it's only offered sometimes. So, like I said I've never been there.

Okay...I only got one picture to post. I don't know what's up with my computer or blogger. But I'm going to publish it before I lose everything, and try again.
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