Back to Weight Watchers!

Today we had our first soccer practice. It was say the least. Abbie's favorite part was either Red Light, Green Light, or the parachute. It was cute...but an hour was probably too long. It will be interesting to see what we do next week. Either way though, Abbie had a blast, and her friend Ellie is in the class too so it was nice to spend time with her.
I'm super excited for pool season to begin. We hopefully will be heating my mom's pool soon so we can start swimming over there until our neighborhood pool warms up a bit. All the pools open this weekend, and it's suppose to be I am super excited for that! At the very least we can visit the baby pool.
Tomorrow we babysit our Gymboree friend Sara for the first time. Her mom (Jen) is having a baby any day now and we are going to be watching her one morning a w

Oh...I'm back on Weight Watchers, as of Monday! This is day three, and I am doing great. My hopes are to get the last 20 pounds I wanted off this time, and then keeping them off...well that is until I get pregnant. (NOT TRYING RIGHT NOW) As I said, it's day three and I feel great. The tvs came today for the basement so I look forward to jumping on the treadmill downstairs soon while we watch tv at night!
Well...I am going to finish watching a movie with Scott. We got Randsom from Netflix...and I'm surprised to say I actually haven't watched this movie before.
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