Thursday, January 05, 2006

The Highlight of My Day...Grocery Shopping!

Oh day was filled with cleaning my kitchen, only to mess it up by grocery shopping and cooking dinner. I bought a whole bunch of chicken that was on sale, and wanted to get it sliced the way I liked it before I put it in the got chicken slime everywhere! We tried a new "recipe," bbq chicken, for dinner. Not that great, but I'll keep trying. At least we are eating healthy.

The picture is of two of my five nieces and nephews on Scott's side of the family. We gave them dress up outfits for Christmas, and they were happily trying them on for us. Ryan (3), Jack (4 1/2) and Sadie (3 in Feb.). The boys are Denise's and Sadie is Shawn's oldest. It's definitely fun to have them home to visit...and Abbie just loves Jack. She can even say his name. We are looking forward to them all coming home again for Sadie's birthday party.


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