Snowing Again!

Well...we had a better night, kind of, last night. Abbie went down okay, but then got up at 1:30. I rocked her, gave her a drink, got her settled, and went back to bed and 20 minutes later she was back up again. I just let her cry, I knew I had taken care of all of her needs. (Denise backed me for just letting her cry...but it's hard determining when her crying is behavior and when it's truly sick or needing something.) I went in after 15 minute and 30 minutes to make sure she had her paci's and give her a quick hug and try to lay her down. She was awful, screaming her "demon baby" cry and throwing herself at me. What was worse was when I was not in there she was yelling mom...I felt bad about that. Scott finally went in at 40 minutes and got her...ended up coming in our room with her, and she instantly passed out in my arms. that wasn't the ultimate goal, but I put her back after 10 minutes, and she didn't get up until 9:00. That was at least better. So...Miss Abigail, if you are up tonight expect the might as well stay asleep!
I had an interview for another possible family to nanny for. They live two streets over, and have two girls that are 2 and 4. If I watched them it would be Tuesdays and Thursdays with Ellie, but it would be 8 or 9 hours instead of 5. I might watch them Friday for a trial run, but I think for now I am going to be their back up...which I think is great! I would have to lose my afternoon job to take them regulary, and I'm not set on whether or not I want to do that.
Scott is at the track now, but he was home up until Abbie went to bed, and he will be home all day tomorrow. We need to find something to do though because I get stir crazy just sitting around all day. I have not been feeling well..mainly drained but my throat feels swollen too. It snowed huge snowflakes today, and the picture is Abbie sitting at the window watching them come down.
Kristi is going to be induced on Thursday, March hopefully we will get to meet Kalen on that day. It will be fun in the years to come to have Abbie and Kalen play together.
Well..Abs has been asleep for 30 minutes now, and I took some drugs that hopefully will make me drowsy. Good night!