Saturday, March 25, 2006

Snowing Again!

Well...we had a better night, kind of, last night. Abbie went down okay, but then got up at 1:30. I rocked her, gave her a drink, got her settled, and went back to bed and 20 minutes later she was back up again. I just let her cry, I knew I had taken care of all of her needs. (Denise backed me for just letting her cry...but it's hard determining when her crying is behavior and when it's truly sick or needing something.) I went in after 15 minute and 30 minutes to make sure she had her paci's and give her a quick hug and try to lay her down. She was awful, screaming her "demon baby" cry and throwing herself at me. What was worse was when I was not in there she was yelling mom...I felt bad about that. Scott finally went in at 40 minutes and got her...ended up coming in our room with her, and she instantly passed out in my arms. that wasn't the ultimate goal, but I put her back after 10 minutes, and she didn't get up until 9:00. That was at least better. So...Miss Abigail, if you are up tonight expect the might as well stay asleep!

I had an interview for another possible family to nanny for. They live two streets over, and have two girls that are 2 and 4. If I watched them it would be Tuesdays and Thursdays with Ellie, but it would be 8 or 9 hours instead of 5. I might watch them Friday for a trial run, but I think for now I am going to be their back up...which I think is great! I would have to lose my afternoon job to take them regulary, and I'm not set on whether or not I want to do that.

Scott is at the track now, but he was home up until Abbie went to bed, and he will be home all day tomorrow. We need to find something to do though because I get stir crazy just sitting around all day. I have not been feeling well..mainly drained but my throat feels swollen too. It snowed huge snowflakes today, and the picture is Abbie sitting at the window watching them come down.

Kristi is going to be induced on Thursday, March hopefully we will get to meet Kalen on that day. It will be fun in the years to come to have Abbie and Kalen play together.

Well..Abs has been asleep for 30 minutes now, and I took some drugs that hopefully will make me drowsy. Good night!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

A Quick Blog Before Bed

Another picture of Abbie and Ellie. They love to sit in the den on the window seat. On this occasion they found a book to read together, but most days they just look out the window and walk around up there. It's fun to be so high up ya know!

Today we had Ellie, Katie, Adam, Hannah, and Kat over for a about a busy morning! (Adam and Hannah are two 10 month olds from swimming class, and Kat's mom's regular babysitter had an emergency, so Jennifer was watching her today..she ironically is 10 months too) They were here for amost 2 1/2 hours. It was fun...they all got along great, and when they left, Abbie had lunch and took a 3 hr. 15 min. nap...maybe she's back!?!

Scott was home from work today. He left half day yesterday and went to the doctor, the pharmacy, and then to bed. He was feeling awful today, but just now he said he is starting to feel better, maybe because he is eaing Ben & Jerry's! We are about to go to bed for the night, so hopefully we will both get a good nights sleep...hint hint to Abbie - STAY ASLEEP TONIGHT.

Abbie has gotten up every night since Thursday (6 Night so far) for at least 2 hours in the middle of the night and would not go to sleep. A talked to the doctor today and he said by now the meds should have fixed everything medically and it's just a behavior issue now. She likes getting up and being with us, and now it's time for tough love.

Tomorrow we are back to babysitting again. Tuesday Ellie didn't come over and my afternoon job kinda cancelled. We had had a big snow storm and the mom and I both agreed to stay at home. Friday we are going to the Children's museum with Jacob! Back to being busy again...

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Two Peas In A Pod!

Okay...I have been missing. No Children's Museum this week. Abbie had a fever on Thursday but no other issues until after her afternoon nap. Her eyes were all swollen with all kinds of gook. And that was just the start. We went to the doctor Friday morning, and she had congunctivitis (sp?) and an ear infection...her first one surprisingly! She's been awful to try to get to sleep because she is so congested. She didn't take any naps yesterday...went to bed at 10:15 finally (in my arms in bed with me!) and got up at 6:30 this morning...which is a no no in our house! I put her in bed when Scott got home from the track, fyi. So my 13 hour sleeper only got 8 hours last night..with no naps. I didn't think she was ever going to go to sleep today, but she luckily has been asleep for over and hour and a half so far.

On another note...she had an awesome time playing with her buddy on Thursday morning. They are just SO cute together. They always copy each other and have to do the same thing all the time. Whenever they read a book, play in the kitchen, get in the car, go down the slide...anything, they are right there together. It's great to see her have good friends at such a young age. Hard to believe Abbie had a temp and was sick when this picture was taken...but boy was she happy with her friend Ellie over.

Well, Scott's got to go work at the track tonight. Abs and I are going to my mom's house to see Nick. We haven't seen him or gotten to play with him in a long time...I think January Birthdays. Hopefully Abbie will be in a good mood so they can play! Tomorrow we have nothing on schedule, so it will be nice to hang out and have fun.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

No Naps Today!

I wish I wasn't so lazy...then I would go downstairs and get my camera so I could upload the cute pics I got of Abbie and Ellie yesterday to post. But..there's always hope for tomorrow. They always play so nicely together, and follow each other around copying each other - monkey see, monkey do. Today we met Ellie and her mom at the library for a reading program, and then went to lunch together. The girls just really enjoy being together, and anyone can tell just by looking at them together. I hope they continue to be friends for many years to come.

So Abbie protested her nap today...and she got up at least an hour earlier than normal today too, but she did really well. Since she wouldn't sleep, we even went out during the witching hours (4-6) to run so errands with my mom. We were looking for good outdoor toys. Didn't really find anything but a few balls, but we only went to Wal-mart. I also went to Rack Room Shoes to look for a new pair of black shoes for me and struck out, and to Bed Bath and Beyond to get my "rubber" muffin pan that is dishwasher safe. I bought two, we will see how they work in the days to come.

The picture is another of Abbie at Homasossa Springs (sp?!?). She was waiting to go for the boat ride into the park. My mom took it from the boat, I was trying to entertain Abbie walking around waiting for the darn boat to take off. She was looking at her dad through the fence...I think the picture is super cute!

Okay...tomorrow I babysit Ellie in the morning for about 5 hours and the girls in the afternoon for 2 1/2 hours...full day for me! I will try to post a picture of the Abbie & Ellie, but I'm not promising anything! Friday we are going to the Children's Museum with Jacob so I'm sure some good pics will come after that! We have had a busy week!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Back to Normal...

Well...I feel like things are getting back to normal after our trip. Although Abbie did have an awful night last night, getting home on a Tuesday made the whole week kinda funny. Last night we couldn't get Abbie to bed until 10:15...and then she woke up at 2:00 and I couldn't get her back settled until 5:30. Blah...

Today we had swimming. We started our 2nd session today. It was kind of sad because Abbie's good friend Katie isn't in our class anymore, but it will be nice to make some new friends. Ellie is still in our class...and two 8 month old babies we were friends with our still in our class too! We stopped by Katie's house on our way to swimming to say hi which was nice, we will have to do that more often because they were so happy to see each other.

Today is cleaning day, so I need to get off the computer and get going. I still feel really unorganinzed from the trip, so I need to get my act together. I'm getting behind on scrapbooking...which is actually good because it's fun to catch up. Today it is 65 again, so I hope to get to play outside with Abbie when she wakes up from her nap.

The picture is from Florida (again) and is this year's four generations photo with Abbie, my mom, my nana and me! Unfortunately they made me take the picture right after I got out of the pool, so my hair is not looking so hot. Oh well! to clean!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Good Morning!

Here's another Florida picture. If the little bugger kept her tongue in her mouth ever, I would be shocked! There's a tear on her face because she wanted me to hold her...which I of course didn't.

Today we have no plans...well except dinner. We are going to Fridays with Scott's parents for Scott's dad's birthday. I need to go to a store and get a new muffin tin. I'm sure they make ones that our dishwasher safe...I just didn't have one and got sick of washing it, so I threw it in the dishwasher last night and now it's rusted. Oh well...I wanted a new one anyway. I think they make rubber ones, so I will check it out.

I have nothing to blog about I'm outta here!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

I'm Back...

Okay, well I've been back since Tuesday, just my blogger vacation lasted a little longer. We have been really busy though. Our first official day back, Wednesday, Abbie had swim lessons and did great. That day she also took 5 hours worth of naps though. Thursday we babysat in the morning and the afternoon. During the morning though, Abbie had a class at the Children's Museum, so I took both Abbie and Ellie to the class (with my mom). It was a lot of fun...I think it was called Water Play. There were lots of different stations set up in this room, and the kids could go around and do what they wanted. Abbie and Ellie both had the most fun at the three art stations. There was one that had frozen water colors into like half of an egg shaped ice tray with a popsicle stick in them that the kids used to paint. It was neat...other than the fact that Ellie and Abbie were also interested in eating the paint-sickles. Yesterday, Friday, we had a two hour play date in the morning with Jacob, and then Kristi came over in the afternoon and we watched a movie, Taking Lives. Then...last night Kristi and I went to see The Marriage of Figaro, an opera, at Clowes Hall at Butler. So...I haven't been blogging but I have been very very busy...but having a good time! Scott has to work at the track tonight again. He worked last night, that's why Kristi was my date instead of Scott. Hopefully we will get some time in the basement to get working on finishing it...but he is being pokey.

The picture is from Florida obviously. Abbie wasn't a willing particiapant in taking cute family we only got this one and one with her tongue out which I'm sure I will post later. It was taking at a wildlife perserve called Homosassa Springs. There known for their Manatee rescue and rehabilitaion but they have bears, mountain lions, lots of different types of birds, deer, aligators of course, and a hippo. dear Abbie is just waking up. I got her to sleep last night at 6:20 (no nap on Thursday so she was very tired yesterday) and she slept until 8:30. When my mom went to settle her, she woke up completely because it wasn't me...and went back to sleep at 10:30. That works for me because I got to sleep in until 9:00 too, and Scott's still asleep! She's talking away right now!

I have tons of Florida pictures to post so hopefully I will get on the ball and at least do short blogs to get the pictures up here!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Packed And Ready...Almost Anyway!

My mom is coming in an hour and twenty minutes to load up the car and head off for the airport. Unfortunately...we are off to a rough start today with Abbie. She got up a good hour plus early, and is very clingy and cry-y this morning. Hopefully we will get over it and have a nice flight...otherwise this could be a crazy day. We are bringing an Einstein movie with us on the plane as a back up plan...and lots of snacks. So hopefully my Abbie will look like the picture on the right, and not like the picture from a few posts ago. (Ironically taken within 5 minutes of each other!)

So...instead of finishing my packing, taking a shower, and getting Abbie dressed...I am blogging and playing sudoku online. Isn't that great! Abbie, Scott, and I are all parked on our bed under the covers watching Playhouse Disney. Perhaps I should turn my computer off and get ready. I've become addicted to so I don't know how I will get to Tuesday without playing. Maybe I will find a paper version at the airport that I can play in my free know when Abbie is happy and not crying and sleeping on the plane. I'm sure I'll have lots of that time. Anyhow...I am inspired to shower, so here we go! I'll post Florida pictures when we get back!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Sick & Swimming

Ugh...I am still sick. I don't know if I posted that before, but Abbie and I have been sick for like 3 weeks, and we just can't seem to ditch it. Abs went ot the doctor on Monday and I went on Wednesday...and we are both on drugs. She is behaving so much better. No crying...she loves Scott and my mom again...and she doesn't cry for me to hold her all the time. My sweet well behaved baby is back...but she still has a ton of snot dripping out her nose, GROSS!

I am soo congested. My ears feel cloudy and are ringing. My head feels like someone is sitting on it. My nose is so stuffed up and my throat hurts...and I've been taking prescription meds for over 24 hrs. When do they kick in!!

Okay...I am tired and don't feel like blogging...the picture is Abbie swimming (obviously) yesterday. She is doing so good! Hopefully we get to go swimming in Florida so her daddy can see how good she is doing.