Potty Time!

Let me get this straight, I don't actually want her to be potty trained yet....I'm not prepared and she's definitely not prepared. But, so long as she is wanting to sit on the toilet, I am fine with her giving it a try.

She wasn't so sure about the new potty...in fact I think she likes to sit on the regular potty better, but she's probably just like me, doesn't like change. Or perhaps, I would start sitting on the Winnie the Pooh toilet also to show her it's okay! : ) !!
I was actually really impressed yesterday. I changed her diaper and put on our shoes and got ready to head out the door to play, and she told me "poop." I checked her, and sure enough she

Well...I actually got some new workout clothes also at Target, so hopefully I will be inspired to actually put them on and then workout. I really like them, and they are really comfortable, but I think I will prohibit myself from wearing them unless I am working out. (Too bad I can't wear them golfing...that would count to me!)
I would like to post some cutes pictures from Easter still...so I will back track. But I couldn't resist popping these potty pictures up. Tomorrow we don't have anything planned as of yet. Since I skipped swimming yesterday, I may make it up tomorrow...go shopping at Castleton. I would like to get a couple sleeveless shirts...all my old ones are too big. Oh...and by the way I took the capris back, couldn't do it. But perhaps because they were low rise, and my belly doesn't fit into low rise pants anymore. Maybe I will find another pair, we will see. (I did buy two pairs of gaucho pants to go with my workout clothes though!)
Okay...yes I don't blog everyday but my blogs are long....longer than Mandy's..and that's gotta count for something. Her blog is www.felbieandrama.blogspot.com. Good night!
what a sweet pu ssy I could have lots of fun with her
lick her wet pussy while she pisses steph
fuck your ass then clean my dick in your mouth...
make u suck my balls how i want Stephanie
Rip your workout pants off and fuck you up the ass and cunt
Stephanie u sit on toilet before her? does she see you pee to help her?
Id fuck the shit outta her
Loved fucking stephanies sweaty asshole then the little ones mouth
mommy is a filthy cunt
That baby wouldn't know what hit her if my dick shoved in her! Then after this kid is limp and dripping jizz I'll take on mommy and drop some goo into her tasty baby make cunt
Let me fuck the shit out of This girl then mommy can take a turn like a slut
im a 16 yr old guy, i live at Ulitsa Lunacharskogo, 12, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo Oblast, my phone number is +7 908 953 11 27 and my email is maximus8610@gmail.com.
please kidnap/rape me.
i love pussyher age or younger it tastes amazing
OMG she's so sexy little and tight. Her little lips are perfect for blowjobs and she'd be an amazing fuck.
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