Sunday, May 28, 2006

Another Great Weekend!

Wow Scott sure has been spoiling us! We have been having so much fun on the weekends. Friday afternoon Scott, Abbie and I went to the golf course to play some golf. Abbie was so good and had fun running along with us while we played. She brought her clubs to and played some golf. We only made it four holes because Abbie hit her head on the steering wheel and wouldn't stop crying.

Saturday we went to the Semi-State Tennis Match...Carmel vs. Park Tudor. Our good family friend Cameron was playing for Park Tudor, and obviously I used to coach for Carmel, so there was lots of people to watch. Carmel lost...but they had a great year and worked really hard. We really enjoyed watching Kristin play, she was playing so hard and has improved so much. I'm sad my mom was out of town and didn't get to see any of that!

Saturday afternoon Scott played golf with his parents and his Uncle Chep. Sally was here to but is a non-golfer, and she rode along with them. Abbie and I met up with them on the 9th hole (after her 3 hour nap) and rode along for 9 - 18. She did great and had so much fun.

Today, Sunday, Scott and I took Abbie to the Children's Museum. We went to the Dinosphere for the first time...which was a little scary for Abbie because it's dark and there are dinosaur sounds. We also saw the trains and the fish on the lower level. Then we spent the majority of our time in the Playscape area...with the sand play, water play, and all other kinds of stuff. We rode the merry-go-round and had lunch too! It was a lot of fun, and the museum was EMPTY! There were fewer people there than there usually are when the doors open at 10:00 on the weekday. We were thinking about going to the zoo but I talked Scott into the museum since it was going to be 88 and humid today...good choice!

Tonight after the Indy 500 we are meeting Chep & Sally and Grandma & Grandpa at Bubs for some burgers and ice cream.

Tomorrow Scott has an early tee time with our next door neighbor, and Abbie and I are going to the pool! Tomorrow afternoon anything could happen! What a fun weekend for us. Plus there was a Formula 1 race on today during Abbie's nap...can't get better than that! Hope everyone else is having a great weekend too!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Back to Weight Watchers!

Hello! More pictures from the zoo...what a great day! I can't wait to go back again. I think Katie and Jennifer are going to go with us in a week or two. That will be fun! But nothing beats going to the zoo with daddy!

Today we had our first soccer practice. It was say the least. Abbie's favorite part was either Red Light, Green Light, or the parachute. It was cute...but an hour was probably too long. It will be interesting to see what we do next week. Either way though, Abbie had a blast, and her friend Ellie is in the class too so it was nice to spend time with her.

I'm super excited for pool season to begin. We hopefully will be heating my mom's pool soon so we can start swimming over there until our neighborhood pool warms up a bit. All the pools open this weekend, and it's suppose to be I am super excited for that! At the very least we can visit the baby pool.

Tomorrow we babysit our Gymboree friend Sara for the first time. Her mom (Jen) is having a baby any day now and we are going to be watching her one morning a week. Sarais three weeks older than Abbie, and they have been having playdates since last April!

Oh...I'm back on Weight Watchers, as of Monday! This is day three, and I am doing great. My hopes are to get the last 20 pounds I wanted off this time, and then keeping them off...well that is until I get pregnant. (NOT TRYING RIGHT NOW) As I said, it's day three and I feel great. The tvs came today for the basement so I look forward to jumping on the treadmill downstairs soon while we watch tv at night!

Well...I am going to finish watching a movie with Scott. We got Randsom from Netflix...and I'm surprised to say I actually haven't watched this movie before.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

A Great Weekend!

To say we had a great weekend is a huge least in my eyes. It was so nice that we didn't have anything else to do except hang out together as a family. Usually Scott has the track to go to and is gone most of Saturday, but he was with us instead this weekend.

Friday Scott was going to take a half day but it didn't work out, things were too busy at work. We had a meeting with our neighborhood, a financial advisor, for two hours Friday night. (Kinda a drag...). But the good news is, he helped Scott carry the eliptical and treadmill downstairs, so the eliptical is no longer in the dining room and the treadmill is no longer in the garage!

Scott has been having headaches at night and sometimes during the day for about two weeks Saturday morning we went to the doctor to get him some drugs. (The headaches have been waking him up in the middle of the night and take hours to go away before he can go back to sleep.) After the doctor and Abbie's nap we went to the zoo. That's wear the picture is from, not that you can tell we were at the zoo, just thought it was cute. (Plus I'm only posting one picture with the hope that more can go up over the next few days!)

Today we hung out here and waited for our basement furniture to arrive! Yes...we just ordered it last Sunday and they called on Friday and asked to deliver it today. We were very excited, since we weren't suppose to get it until June 15th! While we waited for the furniture and Abbie took her nap, Scott and I prunned the bushes and put the mulch in the mulch beds that had been sitting on our driveway for over two weeks. The furniture arrived at the end of the four hour window they gave us...blah! That always happens to us. But it looks great, and is super comfy. We got a sofa with a queen pullout sleeper, a loveseat, a chase lounge, and three tables. Fun Fun Fun! I'm waiting on pictures to load off my card, then I will go take a picture. Time to decorate! to snuggle with Scottie. Hope you all had a good weekend too!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Bad Bad Blogger...

Okay...I am a bad blogger. I honestly just don't want to blog. I am too busy enjoying doing other things, and I took my laptop out of my room, which is where I used to blog at night. I am miserable without my laptop in my room...but better off without it. Now Scott and I cuddle up and watch a movie or talk. Before we were both on our laptops oblivious to each other. more blogging.

The good news is I am back to scrapbooking, and amazingly almost caught up. I guess I wasn't that far behind. Maybe I need to take more pictures!

This picture is from last April from Abbie's 5 month portraits. It's fun looking back at the old pictures, which really look nothing like her. We have been watching some video of Abbie when she was a baby and they are so cute. I need to take more video.

Okay...Sorry for the crappy blog, but I need to go get Abbie. It's 9:30, we need to get our day started! I think she is getting her 2 year old molars...but I will ask the doctor at our 18 month appointment today.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Hanging with Cousins!

So we had a great time over the past week hanging out with Abigail's cousins. I know I already posted some pictures from the zoo with Sadie and Harry...these pictures here include Jack, Ryan, and Mandy that came for the weekend. We celebrated Jack's 5th birthday...and everyone sat at the kids table together and had cake. It was really really cute! It's fun to see Abbie enjoying spending time with her cousins. I kinda feel bad for #2 because that child will be so far off from the older kids, but I'm sure in a few years they will catch up as well.

Okay...I am tired and crabby so I am going to go veg in bed. Scott had a dinner meeting tonight for the track, so I am all alone...okay Sas & Abbie are here, but they don't count! Goodnight!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Today At the Zoo!

Hello all! Okay...I am a bad blogger I know, but I just can't get myself to post anything. I'm not sure why...tons of stuff is going on and I have been busy with lots of things to blog about, just can't get beyond doing other things when I am online.

Shawn has been in town since Wednesday with Sadie and Harry. Wednesday we went over to Scott's parents to hang out with them for a little bit before bed. Thursday Shawn, Sadie, Harry, and Scott's mom met Abbie & I at Recreational Unlimited to look (and mainly play) on the play system equipment they have set up in their showroom. Shawn just bought a set from Costco just like a set they show at Recreational Unlimited for over double the we were going to check it out. It was a lot of fun. Katie & Jennifer met us there too. Abbie just loved going on the equipment, slides, and swings...oh and train tables.

Today, Abbie, my mom, and I met Shawn, Harry, Sadie & Scott's mom at the Indianapolis Zoo. Abbie ran from exhibit to exhibit...she just loved all of the animals, and of course the merry-go-round. After the zoo we came home for a nap, then went over to Scott's parents house to hang out the everyone. Great Grandma was there, along with Denise, Chris, Jack, Ryan and Mandy. It was nice to get together with everyone and just hang out. I posted three pictures from the zoo...Abbie by herself on the merry-go-round and with me, and then Harry, Sadie & Abbie sitting on a rock.

Tomorrow Chris & Denise are running the mini-marathon, and then afterwards are having Jack's 5th family birthday party. Hopefully I will get some more pictures and I can post them up as well! Have a good weekend!