Updates on #2
Abbie, Scott and I went to the doctor today for our 2nd appointment and ultrasound. I was nervous because although I feel pregnant...aka have the "symptoms," I hate to believe too much in the first few weeks. Well, everything is going great so far. We are nine weeks along, due August 5, 2007. The baby is an inch long so far, and we saw two arms and two legs today (although hard to see in these little pictures), along with the heartbeat and movement. It's early...but this baby is much calmer than Abbie was in there...I'm sure that will change in time. Abbie enjoyed the ultrasound and might possibly understand there is a "baby in mommy's belly." The only problem is she wants to hold the baby...and it's going to be a long 7 month wait for her! The heartbeat was 189 bmp, up a bunch from 127 last time. The best part of the visit was the doctor okaying me to have Propel...so I'm back on sucralose! I'll still take it easy, but hello Propel! More updates to come, next visit in four weeks...11 weeks to go until we find out if it's a boy or a girl!

Sorry I just don't see a thing in there! You looked good on New Years but I didn't get to talk to you much...I'll stop in sometime and bring back your games.
No big deal on getting the games back...like I said, we have no one to play with. I think the last time we played Sequence was last Christmas with Felix and Mandy! Thanks for having us over...sorry we couldn't stay!
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