Thursday, December 28, 2006

Slow to Blog...

I have been super slow at getting on here to blog lately..but it's not all my fault. After finding out we were pregnant with #2...I realized why I had been so tired and sluggish all of the time. I don't remember being tired with Abs, but I was also working more than full time, and hanging out with my dad when I was not at work. I was so tired for awhile I didn't even want to stand up. The good news is...I am no longer tired as of Monday, and I'm hoping it will stay that way. It sucks feeling helpless because you are too tired to do anything, but I guess all in all it is for a good cause, little baby in the works.

The hard part was I was trying to get Scott's parents scrapbook of our Disney trip put together in time to give it to them for Christmas, and also finish Grandma's quilt. Neither of which I remembered to take pictures of unfortunately! : ( !! The good news is I got both projects done, and now I can sleep during Abbie's naps or get projects done for myself, like Abbie's scrapbook or making a quilt for us...and eventually #2 when we find out who's in there.

We had a good Christmas. We spent the morning here and made our way to my mom's house eventually. We celebrated Christmas with Scott's family yesterday. It was nice to get a "whole" day to hang out with both family, instead of having to rush from one place to the other. This morning we just had some quiet time at our house. Abbie played with her new toys and got out her new paint. We are out of good paper though, so I have to get to the store to restock. She really loves to do art projects and I hope it stays that way as she gets older, it's fun to paint with her.

I posted one picture of her Christmas morning...fresh out of bed and checking out the chocolate Santa had left for her! I didn't really have many good pictures. Hopefully the Burns got some good pictures because I apparently did not...and my mom got a few. I'm really bad at taking pictures on Christmas.


Blogger Felbie & Rama said...

I just went thru all of my christmas pictures and I don't have any of ME! (well that is not entirely true... but the ones I have are bad-bad lighting not my face :) anyhow... so yeah email me your pics... perhaps your camera likes me better than mine does!

1/02/2007 10:33 AM  

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