Monday, November 27, 2006

For My Mom...

Saturday, November 25, 2006

A Moving Moment...

As we sat on the couch tonight watching Cinderella, Abbie was anxious to talk to her daddy on the phone and stepped on my side. It actually really hurt, and I said ouch (probably actually yelled it). Abbie actually sat by my side, rubbed my shoulder, and said "I'm sorry mommy." I am still so moved at this even though it might seem so simple to other people, especially people without kids. Abbie's only two, just turned two exactly one month ago today, but she understood that she hurt me and she was truly sorry. I'm so glad I was talking to Scott on the phone because he heard her said it too without being prompted. I was truly proud of my little girl, and although I'm sure it won't last, I am chosing to live in the moment. (Plus I blogged about it so I can remember the date it happened!)

I cut her hair today for the first time. She's only had her bangs trimmed once...almost a year ago, and it turned out awful. I will post a picture. Her hair was super long and really needed a trim, but I didn't want anyone to screw it up, plus I like her curls and really think they are not here to stay, so I want to enjoy them as long as I can. The problem is the left side of her hair (looking at the back of her head) was longer than the right side in spots, so it really needed to be evened up. It wasn't too hard, and definitely helps that her hair is curly, so I didn't have to be perfect. When she got out of the shower I just brushed it straight and trimmed just the back the best I could. I'll be interested to see how different it looks in pigtails, but it looks great down.

Mandy is in town right now for a visit with her family while her husband is in Korea and Germany for work. We have been lucky to have had two visits with her already. Yesterday she hung out here for awhile at our house, and then we went to dinner with her after Scott came home from work. Today Abbie and I took her to West Park to feed the fish...but unfortunately they were apparently sleeping...because we barely saw any. Good news is there were lots of hungry ducks, so they appreciated the bread. We also played a bit on the playground. I only took two pictures at the park...but her hair does look more curly now that's its maybe her hair was just weighed down before. (Yes I'm obsessed with hair today)

I posted five pictures...An after shot of last years bangs trim (yuck!) and one with a barrette in that makes it look a heck of a lot better, two recent pictures of her prior to my hair cut on Thanksgiving, and one of my pictures of her from today at the park.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

The Pictures Uploaded!! Hooray!!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Caribbean Cove

Well...we are back home and getting back in the swing of things. I still need to post more vacation pictures and more about the trip. We hit a snag in the trip and I quit posting. The day after my last post Abbie hurt her arm at the Animal Kingdom. At first we didn't really think anything of it...she falls down often and cries just to cry sometimes. But we started to realize there was more to it when we saw her holding her arm. We ended up going to first aid, and they called for a car to pick us up and take us to an Immediate Care. Turns out she had Nursemaid's Elbow, where the radius bone in the arm comes out of joint. Fun...Luckily, they ex-rayed the arm to make sure everything was okay, and then the doctor snapped her bone back in place. Yikes...all in all we were at the doctor or in transit for 6 1/2 hours...really killed a whole day of our trip, but we were so glad it was that easy to fix her arm.

Scott just went back to work yesterday. It was nice to have him home after we got back. We layed around the house on Sunday..and I finally got started cleaning up after the trip Monday and Tuesday. I haven't gotten very far, but I am trying. Abbie's been very tired and clingy.

We went to my nephew John's Birthday party at Caribbean Cove on Monday night. I was really excited to go, I have never been there before and always thought it was a neat idea. It's an indoor water park, but the only way to go is to book a room for the night or throw a birthday party. When you book a room, only 5 people can have access to the water park, so it's not like you can get a big group to share a room. The cheapest room is $169, and it's only offered sometimes. So, like I said I've never been there.

I'm going to get back to cleaning now. I completely cleaned my room and closet yesterday, and almost all of my bathroom. I hope to finish the upstairs (minus the scrapbook room) this morning, and then head downstairs. I want to get our Christmas tree up too, just haven't decided if I'm going to include Abbie in that process or not. More to come...

Okay...I only got one picture to post. I don't know what's up with my computer or blogger. But I'm going to publish it before I lose everything, and try again.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Today's Top Pictures

Well, I got the pictures to upload this time, I'm so impressed! First try too! Real quick blog here. We went to our character breakfast this morning and saw Minnie, Goofey and Chip. The kids had a great time, and Abbie even got into it more than before.

It's fun having so many kids to play with that are Abbie's age. While we were waiting for it to get warm enough to go swimming, the kids played on one of the playgrounds by the pool. It was surrounded by sand..which Abbie never really got used to, but she did much better than I expected. We got a cute shot of all six kids on the slide together before going to the pool.

Just a cute shot Ene caught of Abbie at the playground.

One more good shot from the character breakfast. These are the Baldwins and Bards (minus Mandy, Chris & Ben).

I can honestly say I am I'm going to go chill out a bit while Abbie naps.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Day #1 at Disney...

Well, I guess it's really day #2 since we landed yesterday and went to EPCOT for a little bit, but it's our first official day today! Scott and Abbie are both taking a nap, so I thought I would go through my pictures from today and yesterday and start organizing. Hopefully I will be able to snag the pictures that Denise & Shawn & Ene have taken too before we leave Florida.

We went to the Magic Kingdom today. We were a bit behind everyone because Scott was not feeling good all night and is getting sick. We went to the doctor Friday to try to get ahead of the cold, but it's getting worse. Hopefully the nap will do him good! Abbie is having so much fun hanging with her cousins. She got really upset when they left and we had to stay behind. It's fun to see her enjoying them so much.

Okay...back to Disney. Abbie rode her first roller coaster today! I really didn't think we should even bother trying to get her on it, but she ended up riding it twice! It was really fun having everyone there too, because we took up the coaster (11 of us rode it!). I'm uploading a picture of Scott and Abbie on the coaster.

Abbie still isn't very keen on the characters. At EPCOT she through a we went and saw the princesses today. I thought maybe we could get away with seeing them because they are just dressed fancy, no costumes, but she wasn't having them either. Tomorrow is our character breakfast so we will see how that goes.

Tonight we are going to EPCOT...hopefully staying out to see the fireworks and the parade, but who knows how long we will last. If she takes a good nap we will be able to make it, and we are over an hour into the nap.

Okay...I'm going back to playing on the internet with the pitures...more to come!

Well...I only got two pictures uploaded...I will keep trying. Not sure what the problem is!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Daddy's Choo Choo

We are very lucky that Scott's mom saved Scott's train from when he was little. Although they make new Thomas trains just like Abbie's train, we'd much rather have this almost 20 year old train with a history. Abbie knows this is daddy's train, and he is sharing with her. Although she's still a little timid of it, most days she will ride it around the track a few times! It is fun to share with Abbie's friends...and I'm posting a few pictures.

I don't have much to blog about tonight. I'm tired...long week getting over being sick, and Abbie being the time change. Who would think one little hour would make such a difference, but it has been hard to get back on schedule.

Scott's at the track tonight, since it's Saturday. Tomorrow we have tickets to RENT. It will be our third time, I really enjoy the musical...but I'm kinda dragging my feet about going. It always sounds like a good idea at the time, but when it comes to going out, we'd usually rather just hang out home. After RENT Scott has to go to the track to rebuild it...and Monday night too. But he is taking Thursday and Friday off before our trip, so it should be a great week. We are going to go to a make-up Gymnastics class on Friday so Scott can see Abbie do her thing...and Abbie's got her two year check-up after that. Then Saturday we are off to Disney with Scott's family for eight days. Should be great! Well, I actually have a "to do" list tonight, so I'm going to get at it! More pictures to come.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Trick or Treating 2006!

I was surprised at how great Abbie did on Halloween. Last year she made it about six houses, dropped her pumpkin bucket at a door, and it scared her so bad she cried for about 20 minutes. I was not expecting much trick or treating out of her this year even though she's older, because she's been so shy and reserved to new things lately. I was originally going to get Tinker Bell or a fairy costume for her, but decided not to because it's so hard to get her in and out of clothes, it wasn't worth the fight. Then I decided to go with a super hero like Wonder Woman...but the costumes I found were very skanky, and thought it probably wasn't a good idea to put my 2 year old in a sluty costume, we will save that for when she is 8 or 9. So cruising up and down the aisles I came across this "racy car driver" costume...and since we watch every minute of Formula 1 they put on T.V., and Abbie loves racy cars too...I knew this was the one. The only problem is it is Jeff Gordan's NASCAR race suit...and Scottie doesn't like Jeff Gordon, but he got over that.

Anyway, we invited Abbie's friend Ellie over to Trick or Treat with us. I had our neighbor handout candy at our house so Scott and I could go together with Abbie. Abbie was so excited she would run from house to house. I was so shocked...I wish I had my video camera because I never thought she would actually like Trick or Treating this year, let alone love it. It was so cute! Especially at the houses with candy on the front porch. There was always a sign, like "Take 2" or "Take 3." The girls would carefully count the pieces.

Ellie was super cold in her costume so she left early...and Abbie, Scott and I pressed on. A few houses late though Abbie told me, "I wanna go home, do nite nite." So...that ended our Trick or Treating. We made it just shy of an hour. Not bad I thought. And Abbie didn't cry this year, so I thought that was a major accomplishment. Next year I will have to get her on roller blades like Mandy and I did so we can cover more ground! : ) !!

Pictures for last post...

Wow! I have been trying since Saturday and finally got a picture to upload. I'm not sure what the problem is...but here are Abbie and Nick on Abbie's new horse. She has named him, but we can't understand what she is saying...sounds like "Fugee." We will let you know if we ever understand for sure what she is saying.

Aunt Chari got Abbie a new scarf...and she was totally stylin' in it. It even matched Abbie's outfit perfectly. Hopefully this is a sign of good things to come and I will be able to blog more and post more pictures...wish me luck!