Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Back to Normal...Kinda

Abbie and I had our first day without Scott home in a very long time...I was excited to get Abbie back on schedule and get back to normal myself. Nothing too exciting was on the schedule for today, just cleaning the house...but I was trying to get Abbie back on schedule like I said. Scott called at 11:30 and said he was on his way home...he was going to work from home during the afternoon. It was a very nice surprise...and we did get back on schedule as much as possible even with Scott home. I amazingly got all caught up on laundry, took down our Christmas tree and decorations, and cleaned our entire 2nd floor. Tomorrow I have to tackle the first floor.

I love this picture of Nick and Abbie. They were riding in Abbie's new wagon (Nick got one too). They both love the wagon, but Uncle Jeff (Scary Uncle Jeff) was pulling it around Nana's family room. I don't think Nick would have cared...but Abbie started screaming. I love the picture!


Blogger Felbie & Rama said...

hey we never got to see your track!!

1/03/2006 9:30 PM  
Blogger Felbie & Rama said...

ps... i also made a link to your page from mine :)

1/03/2006 9:37 PM  
Blogger Felbie & Rama said...

I thought that the connection to Alex was so jolly & motor scooter. Did I see was is it, and I like, what this? I do not know if my slang, that English will translate to German very well. Thanks to for the connection, tried had struck I to think of cool names for Scott and I, and out of.

huh? exactly!

1/04/2006 11:38 AM  

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