Monday, January 02, 2006

Basement Beginnings

Okay...this is my first post. I'm going to try to keep up with "Rama," but I doubt I will be able to. Here's a picture of what has been consuming all of our time. We have been working on the basement since Thanksgiving. Today Scott installed two lights over where the bar is going to be, and he installed a switch and two outlets. Today I read a parenting magazine and sat around a lot. I did get to drill into the 2x4s on one wall to make room for a wire. Pretty exciting stuff. Scott goes back to work for the first time in many many days tomorrow so it will be getting back to normal for me and Abs hopefully. We look forward to a day of cleaning our house and exchanging Christmas presents...and hopefully going to the grocery store because we are out of Propel and Coke...which is like a sin in this house.'s to 2006 and our first post.


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