May 2008 Update
Abbie Turns 3 1/2!
My Beautiful Baby Girl!
Abbie had her face painted like a buttefly at a festival.
Emmie Loves her Baths!
Abbie Painted My Face Like a Butterfly for Mother's Day!
Abbie celebrating Scott's Birthday
We Took Scott Golfing for his Birthday
Abbie's Last Day of School
Emily & Scott at Kings Island
Emily on the Merry Go Round at Kings Island
Scott and the Girls at the Cincinnati Zoo
Emmie's First Pony Ride at Parky's Barn in Cincinnati
Abbie's Favorite Ride at Coney Island
Emily Standing on her Ride On Toy
Emily Siting on Her Ride on Toy, Kinda - Good Girl!
Emily's New Love is to Read Books
Emily & Abbie on Abbie's Plasmacar!
Hello family and friends! My goal was to do a better job of sharing pictures and information about what our family has been up to each month, but I don't think I have shared any pictures this year. So, although I have missed January - April, I thought I'd share a little about what we have been up to this month, and hope to share more often.
We celebrated Abbie's half birthday on April 25th (Okay not in May but had to include it). It's hard to believe she is already 3.5 and full of opinions on everything. She is still very into gymnastics and has been taking dance this year. She had a hard time transitioning to Scott being back at work again and we had a rough few months this year. She loves time spent with friends and everything girly...make-up, barbies, dolls, etc. Another favorite of hers is going on rides, especially roller coasters, and we are enjoying watching her enthusiam as we take her to new parks/carnivals etc.
Emily is a pistol. I started saying Abbie is my princess and Emily is my villian! She steadily stood on her own at 7 months, took her first steps at 8 months one week, and has been a stable walker since 9 1/2 months. She will be 10 months on Sunday. She gets into anything that doesn't belong to her, and climbs on everything. She wants to be really independent, eats table food mostly (including cheeseburgers, a favorite), loves Abbie, takes baths without a seat now with Abbie and can say Hi, Mom and Dad. She even says Hi Dad when Scott is on speakerphone!
Other fun things this month: For Mother's Day Abbie wanted to paint my face like a butterfly. She had had her face painted the day before and wanted to repeat the experience for me. Abbie and I took Scott golfing for his 31st birthday this month and had cake with him. Abbie had her last day of school last week and she has grown so much it's hard to believe. Last weekend we took the girls to Cincinnati (Emmie's first trip) to go to Kings Island for the first time. Scott and I hadn't been since at least high school and it was fun to take the girls. We also went to Coney Island, the zoo, several parks and sprinkler playgrounds, and a farm with pony rides, which both girls loved but especially Emmie!
Aside from his birthday, Scott has been very busy at work. He is particiapating in a company wide golf tournament and is enjoying playing some holes during his 'free time' during the week at work. He is really looking forward to going to some conferences each year and having us tag along.
I am always busy with the girls and having lots of playdates and activities to attend. I did start playing soccer last month in a league for beginning players over 25. It is so much fun and is the highlight of my week...aside from spending time with Abbie & Emily of course! I try to scrapbook but spend less and less time working on my pages, and am getting further and further behind. I had to let loose a little and enjoy playing with my girls while they are still young and want to play with me, but hope to start a scrapbook night with some friends each month.
This weekend Abbie will have her year end gymnastics performance (pictures to come hopefully) and Emmie will 'turn' 10 months. Next week we are going to accompany Scott to Orlando for a few days before he has a conference to attend. I will fly home by myself with both girls and don't know if I will survive. (Abbie has her dance rectial the following weekend and has to attend dress rehearsal). I will try to do a better job sending updates and would love to hear what you and your family have going on. (If you read this far into my email I am impressed)
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