Sunday, February 01, 2009

January 2009 Sledding Pictures...

Here are the sledding pictures...

Emily "sledding" down the driveway...Abbie was pulling her.

Abbie and Scott taking the first run down the huge sledding hill.

Emily and I crusing down the hill! She loved every minute of least until we stopped!

Another shot of Scott and Abbie doing down the hill.

We stayed out late and sled in the dark! (We are really safe parents!)

Here's Scott pulling Emily up the hill...she didn't want to get off the sled, I'm sure for fear she would lose her turn!

Here's the cool snow fort I built...Abbie called it an igloo. Sadly it is now in the 40s and it has melted down! : ( !!

Emily's not really happy about wearing mittens..she can't pick anything up, but she LOVES the snow!

Abbie posing for the camera...she loves playing in the snow!

Sledding January 2009

This week on Wednesday we had over a foot of snow pour down on us. I LOVE snow so this was great for me. Most people had to stay home from work because they could not get through the snow. The afternoon before as it first started to snow Abbie and I went over to the sledding hill together and went down 13 or 14 times. Abbie went down four times by herself...which is huge since the last time she went down that big hill she screamed and cried because Scott got snow in her face!

Anyway...since there was so much snow Scott stayed home and worked from here. I shoveled the driveway for a half hour or so and then came in and got the girls dressed up to play outside. There was so much snow so I didn't know how Emily would do, plus it was only her second time out in it. She was a champ and Abbie and her played in the snow for over an hour. When it was time to come in and Emily saw me taking Abbie's snow clothes off in the garage she took off running and I didn't catch her until she was out in the street. She was trying to hide from me!

Anyway...before dinner we went to the sledding hill with both girls and took turns going down since we only had one sled. Emily would throw a fit when it was Abbie's turn and she had to wait at the bottom for them to come was quite funny. Emily laughed the whole time down the hill and then cried when the sled stopped. I even took both girls down the hill together twice, which we then ruled not safe since I couldn't not hold onto both of them and "control" the sled. was a blast and I hope it snows again soon. We have three sleds now so we are prepared. One for Abbie, one for Scott and one for Emily and I!


For some reason I'm having a hard time getting these pictures to upload. So here is one and I will see if I can get more to upload later.

Totally Inspired...For Today Anyway!

Well I haven't been on here in ages and who can blame me. With real scrapbooking and facebook, who has time to blog as well. But...a friend just sent me a link to her new blog and so I hopped on here to see what I posted last and started reading blogs from 2006. As it is it was fun to look back on old pictures and remember things I had done with Abbie and a few with Emily, but it would have been nice if I had done more. So...I will try to post more often, but it is inevitable that I won't make it very long...but at least a couple is more than nothing.

Today is Emily's 1/2 birthday. She is 18 months, or 1 1/2. Ironically the last time I blogged was for Abbie's 4th birthday, which was over 3 months ago. Emily's not feeling very well so we didn't do very much. She's running a low fever and there is a steading stream of clear snot running down her face. They should invent something that you "install" on a toddlers face to serve as a snot catcher...for Scott and I have had to spend the whole day chasing her with a tissue, it's literally streaming that fast.

Scott let me sleep in until 10:00...when he "woke me up" because he was making breakfast and couldn't find the powdered sugar. Yes...two things that I don't think I've ever said before....let me sleep in and made breakfast, Scott did both today! I am fighting something too...I just feel off, but can't describe what it is exactly.

Abbie had an extra dance practice today to help get their dance team ready for next Saturday's dance competition, their first one...which I think is going to be a huge flop!

Tonight we had cake to celebrate Emily turning 1 1/2. And now we are watching the Super Bowl.

Nothing else is too new with us. I started a competition with the mom's group I belong to called Biggest Loser...but we just put money in the pot for the biggest loser to win. In January I lost 9.2 pounds. Hopefully I can keep it going and get more fit in 2009.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Random October Pictures

Here's a random collection of October pictures.
Abbie blowing out candles on her 4th birthday.

Abbie posing with her cake on her 4th birthday.

My two girls with their bellies "carved" like pumpkins.

Anoter shot after "pumpkin carving."

Emily wouldn't stop eating the inside of the pumpkin...gross!

Emily and Abbie digging the guts out of the pumpkin.

Abbie riding the Merry Go Round at the Children's Museum on her birthday.

Scott, Emily and Abbie with a Witch from the Witches Breakfast on Abbie's birthday.

Emily dressed up as Minnie Mouse playing at a Halloween Party at Gymboree.

Emily in her brand new tutu...and shades, she loves dressing up!

Abbie and I playing with goggles while Emily was taking a bath.

My fancy girls playing "Fancy Nancy."

Abbie in her new Fancy Nancy Dress with her Fancy Nancy doll.

Scott, Abbie, Emily and I after Abbie's 4th birthday party.

Abbie having cake at her 4th Birthday Party.

Emily and I hugging at Abbie's party.

Abbie and her 11 friends that came to celebrate her birthday with her.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Scott's Company Picnic

Scott's company had their yearly picnic at Indiana Beach this year. They actually rented out the entire place and it was free for employees to attend with their families. We had access to all the rides and food was provided. It was a lot of fun and we were there for over six hours. I hadn't been to Indiana Beach since I was a college kid working a summer at Camp Tecumseh. Scottie had never been. Although it was quite nice, it took us an hour and a half to get there. Since Cincinnati is only 2 hours (or less) away...we probably won't go back any time soon unless they have next years picnic there again. The Haunted House...we called it the Silly House. It was actually scary!

Abbie loves all these fast, spinning rides, thank God for Scott!

The girls and I on the fastest Merry Go Round I have ever been on!

Emily and I!

They had a mini viking ship and a big one...Emily is actually sitting next to me on this one. Abbie and I rode in the highest row of the big one! That was fun!

I think this ride was called Sky Crow. It was actually a little frightening because it flew you over the water, and it was really windy.

Scott actually got Emily to take a nap! Too bad she only slept for 45 minutes.

Scott and the girls on the bridge you have to walk over to get to Indiana Beach.

My girls and I on the Ferris Wheel. Poor Emily looks drunk but it's just that weak eyelid.

Another crazy, spinning ride...nice hat Scott!

Abbie posing for a picture!

Another posing picture!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Outdoor Photo Shoot

Every summer I try to take pictures at my favorite outdoor park near our home. It is so nice and peacefull there, has shallow creek running through it the girls can play in, and has several spots with neat bridges, boulders and benches. This year I asked my friend and her daughter (Abbie's best friend) to join us. It was really easy to get good shots of Abbie and Addy...but Emily was quite a pistol and ran all over the place so fast that it was hard to get her in focus. We went during a two day visit we were having with Michael, my sister's middle son, so I captured a few of him too! We had so much fun there that we were going to do it again before it got too cold, and maybe include Addy's two brothers next time too!